Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Importance of Teaching Adults

          Educating for transformation should be the goal for Christian education in every church especially when teaching adults. Paul’s charge to Timothy, resonate well with that goal. He says, And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2) This intimates that if we want to make a difference in the coming generations we must act today and focus our efforts to teach adults. Only adults fit Paul’s description. When taught and trained well, they can become stable and reliable men and women, qualified to teach others, whether fellow adults, youths or children.
Equipping every adult in church is a strategic move to channel the same impact or more to children of these adults and others within their sphere of influence. The impact will also be replicated to the grandchildren because a well discipled parent will most likely raise well trained children who fear and honor God. To equip adults is to multiply the ability of the church to influence society.
 In the Old Testament it was the responsibility of parents to teach their children. God commanded Moses to ensure in Israel that the parents taught their children about the Lord and His Law (Deut 6:4-7). This teaching in the Old Testament was life related and not school based. “The ritual observances of the community and the home life of children were the primary vehicles of transmission of the God centered culture.”[1] 
When we teach adults, we make a creative move to transfer the classroom from the Sunday school, for children and camps for youth to the security of the home where everything taught comes into its relevant context and can be immediately applied. At home Pazmino suggest that interactions between teacher and student should be “a relationship of love, trust, openness, honesty, acceptance, caring, support forgiveness, correction and affirmation.”[2] There is no better description of the real family.
All the above are qualities which can and should be found in the Christian home. This hints to God’s objective to reveal Himself in a family setup. His working can only be traced through the family tree of the people He worked with and through. He chose to be known as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the three principal patriarchs’ in Israel’s journey of faith. The role of the church in education then is to provoke and empower parents to take an active not passive role to raise a godly generation (Mal 2:15) because as Pazmino confirms, “Despite the multiplicity of educational influence today, parents are still the primary educators who actively or passively determine what influences their children.”[3]
Parents or adults are the reservoirs of resources available to help teach all areas of Christian education. As Anthony says, we succeed or fail as ministers of Christian education as we succeed or fail in adult education.[4]  It’s through educating adults that ministries tap from many years of experience that can be channeled to give crucial training to others that is based on tested facts and principles.
A failure in adult education will therefore trickle down to failure in children as well as youth ministries. Since parents determine what influences their children in there formative years, they will either cancel or legitimize through their lifestyle what the church teaches the youth or the children. This means the church may have a great teaching ministry on Sundays but if this ministry is not reinforced at home the results will not be that encouraging. We will labor to receive and teach the children from the front door of the church only to have them leave the church from the back door because at home they lack a support mechanism to help them internalize and implement the values taught in church.
There are no life exhibits that help illustrate the gospel truth. Parents or adults provide that support mechanism. They are the real life visual aids which though not perfect can effectively by Gods grace help illustrate the gospel to make sense to their children. Their witness is therefore relational and incarnational. If adults are not prepared to take up such a strategic position, the next generation is set up for hard work or failure.
It’s adults that set the pace for the success of the coming generations. Since they are the custodians of resources they too, have the power to determine how these resources will be spent. If they are not taught to honor the Lord(Pro 3:9) and seek first His kingdom(Matt6:33) and are let to embrace hedonistic priorities they will become a stumbling block to God’s will and purpose in their generation. A growing adult ministry spells hope for the current and future leadership of the church. It creates a strong financial, human and material resource base for future church ministries.
Growing churches are those that engage the adults relevantly and effectively. They are committed to nurture adults to reproduce spiritually. We thus measure success in this ministry by how many people are trained and launched into fruitful ministry within the body of Christ and into the community. Otherwise as Anthony says, we will have “wounded consumers of church services who never heal and never impact their neighbors for Christ.”[5]  
A church that severs her relationship with the community which consists of adults will soon become irrelevant and only exist to serve the whims of its membership.[6] As the salt of the earth, the church takes up her role to preserve the moral values of society and give it flavor just as salt influences the food it become part of. Any sin or malpractices that the church confronts and overcomes in the community becomes a victory not just for the church but for its immediate society. Whatever is not conquered in the church ravages the community around it.

[1] Micheal J. Anthony, Foundations of Ministry: An Introduction to Christian Education for a New Generation (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1992),40.
[2] Robert W. Pazmino, The Foundational Issues in Christian Education: An Evangelical Perspective (Grand Rapids: Baker Books House, 1988), 19.
[4] (Anthony 1992, 171)
[5] (Anthony 1992, 172)
[6] Ezekiel K. Nzau, Growing in Christ (Nairobi: Uzima Publishing House, 2011), 26.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

PROMISE PEACE KENYA INITIATIVE: "GO YOUR WAY; LET IT BE TO YOU, AS YOU HAVE BELIEV...: Introduction Some people’s words are just that, words, empty, worthy nothing, deserving none of our consideration. However loudly th...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Some people’s words are just that, words, empty, worthy nothing, deserving none of our consideration.  However loudly they may be spoken, they are of no consequence; they are not worthy listening to. Other people’s words are intelligent, we even stand to listen because they make sense but they are no more than that. They are empty too, meant to impress and flatter, to mislead or even fleece.But there are people whose words are priceless and timeless. They may not be eloquently spoken but they are powerful. They impact our lives greatly, they make a positive difference. Like a bankers cheque we can take them to the bank and cash them. They are dependable credible, invaluable, worthy a million dollars.
Two critical questions are important for us to sieve the information that we encounter:
Who is speaking here?
What is he saying?
If it is a written message, we ask:
 Who wrote it or whose signature stamp/seal is on it?
This is especially important because words carry with them the authority of the person who has spoken or written them.
I put it to you today brethren that the centurion Jesus spoke to in Matt 8:5- 13 understood the power of a word spoken by a man under authority. Such a word is not empty but carries with it the power, the energy to change lives and circumstances.
And today we sit under that same authority. The authority of the word of God and of Jesus Christ (Matt28:18-20).  We are in an atmosphere of divine possibilities. An atmosphere where what is humanly impossible becomes possible, where incurable diseases become curable. Where fear and anxiety and doubt cannot survive, where apathy thaws to give way to great passion and enthusiasm, where the word of God is spoken. In the presence of God who calls those things that are not as though they were.

I have checked the signature of the undersigned and it reads Jesus King of Kings, Name above all names. One who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can think or imagine or ask.
The key to this atmosphere is faith. In this atmosphere we bear in mind four critical attitudes:

  1. Jesus is not limited by time and space
He is everywhere present. I wonder if I were in the position of the centurion whether I would prefer Jesus come to my house. The centurion preferred that Jesus speak a word from wherever he was.
Some of us we have put God in a box. We want Him to come to us in a way that leaves no doubt that he has visited us—this is a noble goal—but we can stretch our faith farther where we ask him to just speak his word.
After walking with the Lord for a long time we should not allow our life become complicated. We should not lose our child like faith so that we seek to impress God in order to come to us or intervene in our situation?
Upon the Centurions request Jesus said, “I will go and heal him.” But the centurion would not let Him come. He didn’t want to make an impression outwardly, all he wanted was a miracle and he stretched his faith far beyond what was common with the church people of his time. He said “just say a word and my servant will be healed.”
Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you." And his servant was healed that same hour. Matthew 8:13

  1. An attitude of humility prepares an excellent atmosphere for Jesus to intervene.
He says “Lord I do not deserve to have you come under my roof”
 He did not say that because he did not have a good house, he was the commander of the Roman Legion in that region. Luke Indicate that this man had build several synagogue
 As a professional officer of the Roman army after the Marian reforms of 107 BC he commanded 83 men but senior centurions commanded cohorts, or took senior staff roles in their legion.
This is the attitude that wins Gods heart as exemplified by great men that God has used in the Old and New Testament.
  1. Exodus 3:11 But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"
  2. 1 Chronicles 17:16  6 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said: "Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?
  3. Peter said “Go away from me Lord ; I am a sinful man”( Luke 5:8
  4. Paul said “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst” (1Tim 1:15)
We should never come to the place where we think we deserve Gods blessings. God is under no obligation to bless us or to give us this or that because we have been so good or have performed.
It is not those that think that they deserve God’s blessing because of there work that get them but those that approach Him with a contrite and broke spirit.
Isaiah and David agree “a broken and a contrite heart oh Lord you will not despise” (Isaiah 66:2, Psalm 51:17)

  1. Faith best operate when we use it to minister to others
The Centurion did not come because he had a need; he was interceding for his servant.
He had come because of the need of his servant, who then could have been considered useless to him because he was paralyzed. The Centurion could have decided to be pragmatic and say “now that you are paralyzed I don’t need you any more. You are not useful to me. I will let you and so I can hire someone else who can serve me. But he identified with the suffering of his servant. He went to Jesus seeking for his Healing.

  1. What we need most is a word from God
You can go anywhere and survive if you have the word of God with you. The word of God is the tool he uses to execute his will and purpose.
Are you thinking? I have been in this condition for too long, everything seems to indicate that things will get worse. Are you giving God alternatives on how to handle your case- God doesn’t need our counsel in the best way to solve our problem? You may be tempted even to try to help Him. The only help that God appreciates from you is your faith in His ability to do what he promises….
God wants us to respond to Him in faith like the centurion. To be in a place where you can say,
 I need no other argument I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus said it and he said it to me
NIV Hebrews 6:16 Men swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument.
Would you choose to believe the word of God?
Jesus said to the man, “Go, it will be done to you just as you believed it would.”
In Acts 27:25 Paul tells the men he was sailing with “so keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.”
I too I have faith in God that it shall be just as he told me

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Your Future is Secure in God

The future is a mystery and we respond to it differently depending on our present circumstances. We interpret the future based on the past and the present.
Depending on what is happening in the present we are either ‘warriors’ or ‘worry-ers’ but we are all set and moving into it.
Nothing can stop the dawning of a new day whether you are optimistic or pessimistic, bold or afraid, the sun will still rise and set.
Abram found himself caught up in the quagmire of what the future had for him. He looked at the past and then the present and was almost ready to surrender to the situation of barrenness.
Today insurance is a big business. It thrives on the premise that it can make the future predictable. Political and other key leaders rise to power by PROMISING a better tomorrow. They know that the message of hope will sell to any man because we all are susceptible to fear of what tomorrow may bring. Jesus knew this so well so he advised “do not worry about to morrow, what you shall eat, drink or wear the lord know that you need those things. E.t.c
There’s more to the opportunities that God gives us, something greater then we dared imagine. His blessing transcends the immediate and connects us to the ultimate. He looks at your future to determine your today’s blessing. He has everything planned beginning with you to your future generations and your response to his guidance makes it possible for that plan to unfold.
Have you ever wondered what might become of you some years to come or even your family when you are long gone from this world?
Abraham accounts his fear to God. He tells God;
  • See I continue to be childless
  • My heir will be my servant, this Eliezer of Damascus.
  • Look, you have given me no offspring. You have delayed in fulfilling your promise.
  • How shall know that I will possess this land
For these and other reasons that he raises when God speaks to him later in the chapter Abraham feels threatened and seeks Gods intervention.
(An insurance company will give you a certificate and a policy no. God made a covenant with Abram. This covered all his descendants)
I hope none of us is worried about our eternity. Our eternity is secure we worry more about our lifetime on this earth or for our children when we are gone.
The following steps provide a good format of responding to such threats in our own personal lives.
1.      Listen
We listen to hear what the other person is saying. To listen to God is to try to discern what He is saying about the situation at hand. In Abrahams situation God said;
  • Fear not Abram, I am your shield and your reward great ( your exceeding great reward)
  • This shall not be your heir but your very own son will be
  • Look at the stars of heaven, so shall your descendants be.
  • I called you from Ur of the Chaldeans for a purpose. To give you this land to inherit
 God seems to say to Abram, Let the remembrance of what I have done for thee confirm thy confidence, since every former mercy is a pledge of a future. God giveth after he hath given, as the spring runneth after it hath run. And as the eye is not weary of seeing, nor the ear of hearing, no more is God of doing good to his people. "Draw out thy lovingkindness," saith David, {Ps 36:10, marg.} as a continued series or chain, where one link draws on another to the utmost length.
2.      Believe
To believe in God is to take as true what you hear from Him.
“And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.” (Ge 15:6 NKJV)
Its good to hear but we should take our hearing a notch higher by choosing to believe in what God says. To believe is to trust in what God is saying before you see the manifestation of what is promised. Because he chose to believe, he then knew that his future will be secure, that God will steer his course and bring him to the desired destiny.
Jesus told His disciples, “"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.” (Joh 14:1 NKJV)
Believing puts in a right standing which for Abraham is qualified as righteousness. And as the Bible says, righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.
“You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”” (Lu 1:45 NLT)
“So they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, "Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper."” (2Ch 20:20 NKJV)
“Jesus said to him, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."” (Mr 9:23 NKJV)
Abram had nothing to show expect for the covenant that indeed he will be a great nation.
3.      Act
When you act on what God says you release His might hand to swing into action on your behalf. Obedience really moves God.
Abram went out and prepared the sacrifice God had asked him to prepare. He was determined not to loose on His blessing.
He chased away the birds that sought to destroy his offering.
In our process to follow Gods, instructions there are issues that may seek to sabotage that purpose.
  • The birds of the air as in the case of Abram
  • The great darkness and terror that came upon Abram
  • Time- it was to take 400 yrs for the manifestation in full form of what God had said
 Delay is not denial. Safety is not absence of danger, trials or difficulties but the presence of God.
Your future is secure in God. Don’t you worry about it, plan for it and I can assure you, its better than you think.

Friday, August 26, 2011


God's word is like a field, vast and fertile
hidden treasures beneath
a wise farmer's precious possession
precious beyond all rubies
silver and gold is considered dross
God's word is the wise person's precious possession.

Tried in a furnace of fire, purified seven times
defining the time of our very existence
The reality of our past, present and future
And when time passes and we are no more
that's God's word come to pass.

This word when loved and cherished 
this word fills and transform
this word when read and practiced
this word enlightens and encourages
this word like a judge convicts and acquits
this word the excellent way reveals.

This word, not just another story
Its your life, family and ministry
your land food and water
Your work manual, first aid kit and medicine
all that you see and hear and perceive
all has its place knit in God's eternal abiding word 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Growing in Christ Book Launch Speech

Today marks the dawning of a new day in my life and I am excited to see it come to be. In 1994 I had an idea to write a story book but I only managed to scribble down a page and then I lost it.
In 1996 when I gave my life to Christ that passion was rekindled, not to write a book but to record what God was teaching me and in my new note book I wrote, “The greatest memory is only as strong as the weakest ink. Remember timing and recording as you meet God.”
In The Last Days Newsletter, Leonard Ravenhill tells about a group of tourists visiting a village who walked by an old man sitting beside a fence. In a rather patronizing way, one tourist asked, "Were any great men born in this village?" The old man replied, "Nope, only babies."
Today we gather here to witness the development of that tiny idea which God through me has turned to a book about spiritual growth.

I got the following research findings from my spiritual formation lecturer.

·        48 % of adults who regularly attend Christian churches say they have not experienced Gods presence at any time in the last 12 months.  
·        Millions who align themselves to the Christian faith have not thought very much what spiritual maturity means or what it looks like.
The call and challenge of spiritual growth
Therefore brethren the call and the challenge of spiritual growth is very real in our generation.
1.      We hear it when we watch the 7 and 9 o’clock news in all our TV stations
2.      We hear it when we listen to discussions and contributions on Fm Radio stations in the morning and evening
3.      We saw it as we watched in utter disbelief , the billows of smoke that engulfed this nation Dec 2007 and January 2008
4.      We see it as we watch local televangelists preach on TV
5.      We experience it every Sunday morning as the church gathers to worship
6.      We experience it in the counseling room as the broken and hurting narrate their ordeals at home, at work and in the church
7.      We experience it whenever we hold general elections in this country as a greater percentage shift their allegiance from Christ to the community they come from
Why spiritual Growth
1.      “Most Christians live lives of quiet desperation” (Dallas Willard)(Matt 9:350)
2.      Jesus expects and commanded it (John 15)
3.      Its through spiritual growth that we become more like Christ (Gal 4:19)
4.      It’s through spiritual growth that we can reproduce and multiply our influence in society and thus fulfill the Great commission(Matt 28:18-20)
As far as spiritual growth is concerned, I would like to paraphrase Jesus and say, “the volunteers are many but the directors are few.”
In this book I seek
1.      To rescue many from that quiet desperation.
2.      To provide the means to live the abundant life that Christ provides (John 10:10b).
3.      To fortify our lives against the thief and to stop him from coming in to steal, to kill and destroy (John 10:10a).
In John 8:31-32 Jesus said to His disciples, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
The secret of growth is in abiding, being planted in Christ in order to grow. 
When I attended the first overnight prayer meeting in this church our Senior pastor was sharing from 2Tim 1:6 where Paul reminds Timothy to fan to flame the gift of God  in his life. This is what I have been doing brothers and sisters, trying to fan to flame God's gift in me. It is however difficult to light fire using wet fire wood and we are operating in a wet world.
Thank you very much and God blessing you

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Against All Odds

            Joseph was sold out by his brothers at a tender age of seventeen to a foreign country, to a people he did not know and of a different tongue. He crossed from the momentous teenage-hood to adulthood as a slave in Egypt. He did not have the privilege of having his mother or Father near him to run to for encouragement and support. He lost his mother while still a very young boy. His father was his only close friend and confidant and I believe he succeeded in mentoring him. His brothers hated him because he was honest and had big dreams.  In a spur-of-the-moment Joseph was out of his father’s tender care. He was not given any opportunity to say goodbye. I believe he screamed his throat hoarse in the pit before he was sold off to slavery in Egypt. His profile and circumstances fit an excellent candidate for depression, suicide, alcohol, crime, sexual perversion, crime and drugs but none of these characterized his life.
We see Joseph as a young man with unquestionable integrity. He was sold off yes but never was a sell out. His moral fiber remained strong and intact. He stood against the seduction of his master’s wife. He didn’t compromise and justify himself by arguing that he deserved some comfort since he was away from home, from people who loved and knew him. Here he was a young man, a slave, far away from his parents and with no one to hold him accountable, yet he refused to commit adultery with his master’s wife. When Photiphar’s wife tried to seduce him he did not sigh in relieve musing that he had finally found someone who could understand, accept and love him. His non-compromising attitude landed him in jail but the sun never sets for the righteous. He again rose from prison to the palace, from a prisoner to a prime minister in Egypt.
Do we really have any reason to excuse our failure because of what we have been through? Let us borrow a  leave from this young man and reach out for the high road that leads to success and great influence.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We are Ambassadors

“The ambassador as any other communicator, should model congruity between the importance of his message and the clarity and force of his communication.”[1] Our commission to the world is to be to the world what Christ is to us. An important point to consider is that, “if every person is as big as his job then Christians should stand tall.”[2] Our engagement is in one of the most vital in this world. We are involved in Gods business.
The Disciples of Christ took time to fully grasp the weight of what Christ said to them in John 20:21, “as the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” This should not surprise us because it’s evident that the church in this nation has not comprehended what Jesus said in that verse. Otherwise tribalism and negative ethnicity that sway Christians and even ministers of the gospel would be unheard of. But we still seem to pay our allegiance not first to Christ but to our communities when election time comes. The principle of being set apart for Christ is forgotten as the clergy and the laity alike hit the campaign trail becoming servants of another and not of Christ. If we consider the import of the message we carry should we really forget our mission and follow a diversion that confuses people, leading to irrelevance and pettiness in our Christian witness?
Shouldn't the concept of being sent be central in the way we carry ourselves? Revealing the profound awareness of the mission that Jesus had and what he expects of us? Probably we have heard the story of the child that had been send by his father to borrow an axe from the neighbor to split wood. The boy ran and arrived at the neighbor’s house and was offered a cup of tea on arrival. For a moment he forgot about his assignment as he enjoyed the cup of tea only to rise up and declare he had been sent for the same instrument when another boy arrived from his father and immediately requested the use of the axe. The second boy not only received the axe but also fulfilled the will of his father with the urgency that it required. 
That same sense of urgency is required of every messenger of Christ in presenting the gospel to a lost world. Jesus himself lived this way. He said in John 9:4 "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. And to his disciples who wondered why he was not eager to eat the food they had brought he said, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.” Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest (John 4:34-35)! That is the urgency with which the church should conduct itself in delivering the message committed to us.

[1] Mark McCloskey, Tell it often- Tell it Well, (San Bernardino: Here’s Life Publishers, 1985), 149
[2] Dennis F. Kinlaw, Preaching in the Spirit, Nappanee: Evangel Publishing House, 1985), 118

PROMISE PEACE KENYA INITIATIVE: Home Oh Sweet Home!Our comfort and peace should fi...

PROMISE PEACE KENYA INITIATIVE: Home Oh Sweet Home!Our comfort and peace should fi...: "Home Oh Sweet Home! Our comfort and peace should first begin at Home. If their is a rift at home then we are really in bad shape.To destabil..."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Home Oh Sweet Home!

Our comfort and peace should first begin at Home. If their is a rift at home then we are really in bad shape.To destabilize any man or woman or child you destabilize his/her home! Yet it is here that we are spending our least time.  No wonder our society has become unstable and with many anti-peace/social behavior. God initiates our recovery process by bidding us to return home. He created us to grow in the context of a home, where the right moral values and godly character can be forged.

You may not have a perfect home but the real home is the ideal place for balanced growth. It’s the place where we are born, grow and eventually discover our purpose, pursue it and prosper. The normal home is a wellspring of understanding, love, joy, peace and security. At home, saints or tyrants are made. Seeds that determine our future are planted. The support we need to become all God wanted us to be, we find it at home. Without support from home, it is very difficult to make it in life. Every successful person has a place he/she calls home. The family is Gods established institution for growth, where our tender lives can be nurtured. Orphanages or children’s homes are good but imperfect substitutes that our society provides for those who do not have a place they can call home. They are beacons of hope to the homeless child.

For many of us we should feel greatly honored and privileged to have a place we can call home. Imperfect as it may be, that home is the place God has given you, please value and give it your best. The home gives preserves and restores our identity. We can trace who we really are back to our home. As the saying goes, charity begins at home. At home, we acquire the values we carry into our adult life. Abandoning our home can adversely affect our identity because we cut off the influence from other family members and the result is usually a change in behavior and value system. When you run away from home you withdraw from the cover and protection that is available at home, and there away from home are exposed to severe attacks from the world. Many end up becoming rascals caught up in moral ills and other social sins. They become social misfits engaging in crime and other delinquent behaviors. This applies to the young as well as the old.

The prodigal son in the gospel of Luke 15:11-22 is a perfect example of what may happen when we abandon our homes. He lost not only his money but his identity and honor. what was abominable when he was at home became easily welcome.He lost his senses and abandoned himself to a new, foreign and despicable lifestyle which was taking him down towards a total moral collapse. Luckily he regained his lost senses. He called to mind and acknowledged the caring, loving nature of his dad. He came to his right mind and said,
… ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! ‘I will arise and go to my father…..” He also rehearsed what to say. “... ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’” This son acknowledged that he was in the wrong. By acknowledging his mistake, he was ready to be received back with forgiveness.

He did not think it too late to go back. he went home rehearsing that line ready to give his confession so he can be received back but this time with high level of humility. He didn't want to be a son, he wanted to be a servant. It was enough for him to have a room over his head. he didnt care any more how fat His fathers bank account was, all he wanted was to be at home, be accepted and receive forgiveness.

Things that cause people to fight and separate are worthless if you have no one to tap you on the shoulder and tell you that you matter. if we loose these things and regain our relationships then we have got the best. we should not wait for that moment when we hit the rock bottom, we can get back and make it easier for our children/relatives/friends to receive us.
Hey!!! lets go back home and make things.....

By the way let me post this fast so I can also get home (although my family have traveled).