Our comfort and peace should first begin at Home. If their is a rift at home then we are really in bad shape.To destabilize any man or woman or child you destabilize his/her home! Yet it is here that we are spending our least time. No wonder our society has become unstable and with many anti-peace/social behavior. God initiates our recovery process by bidding us to return home. He created us to grow in the context of a home, where the right moral values and godly character can be forged.
You may not have a perfect home but the real home is the ideal place for balanced growth. It’s the place where we are born, grow and eventually discover our purpose, pursue it and prosper. The normal home is a wellspring of understanding, love, joy, peace and security. At home, saints or tyrants are made. Seeds that determine our future are planted. The support we need to become all God wanted us to be, we find it at home. Without support from home, it is very difficult to make it in life. Every successful person has a place he/she calls home. The family is Gods established institution for growth, where our tender lives can be nurtured. Orphanages or children’s homes are good but imperfect substitutes that our society provides for those who do not have a place they can call home. They are beacons of hope to the homeless child.
For many of us we should feel greatly honored and privileged to have a place we can call home. Imperfect as it may be, that home is the place God has given you, please value and give it your best. The home gives preserves and restores our identity. We can trace who we really are back to our home. As the saying goes, charity begins at home. At home, we acquire the values we carry into our adult life. Abandoning our home can adversely affect our identity because we cut off the influence from other family members and the result is usually a change in behavior and value system. When you run away from home you withdraw from the cover and protection that is available at home, and there away from home are exposed to severe attacks from the world. Many end up becoming rascals caught up in moral ills and other social sins. They become social misfits engaging in crime and other delinquent behaviors. This applies to the young as well as the old.
The prodigal son in the gospel of Luke 15:11-22 is a perfect example of what may happen when we abandon our homes. He lost not only his money but his identity and honor. what was abominable when he was at home became easily welcome.He lost his senses and abandoned himself to a new, foreign and despicable lifestyle which was taking him down towards a total moral collapse. Luckily he regained his lost senses. He called to mind and acknowledged the caring, loving nature of his dad. He came to his right mind and said,
… ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! ‘I will arise and go to my father…..” He also rehearsed what to say. “... ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’” This son acknowledged that he was in the wrong. By acknowledging his mistake, he was ready to be received back with forgiveness.
He did not think it too late to go back. he went home rehearsing that line ready to give his confession so he can be received back but this time with high level of humility. He didn't want to be a son, he wanted to be a servant. It was enough for him to have a room over his head. he didnt care any more how fat His fathers bank account was, all he wanted was to be at home, be accepted and receive forgiveness.
Things that cause people to fight and separate are worthless if you have no one to tap you on the shoulder and tell you that you matter. if we loose these things and regain our relationships then we have got the best. we should not wait for that moment when we hit the rock bottom, we can get back and make it easier for our children/relatives/friends to receive us.
Hey!!! lets go back home and make things.....
By the way let me post this fast so I can also get home (although my family have traveled).