Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Called to Shine, to be Different but not Difficult

In the wake of the identity crisis that is ailing this generation its of necessity that God raises special envoys who carry with them a message of hope that will help clarify who we really are and what we have been wired to do. Our true identity is intricately intertwined with our destiny. To know what your destiny is you don’t need to look around, you look within. You don’t draw it into you, you draw it out of you. As you live out who you are, others will then see what you were created to be. You stand out of the crowd because you are unique.  You are a distinct person with distinct personality traits and variant emotional expressions. You stand out and not blend in the crowd. You are an individual.
 As a human being you are different in the human populace, yet you fit perfectly and harmoniously in this jigsaw-puzzle. It pleased God to create you different but not difficult. It is alright to be different but never permissible to be a complicated and difficult person.
I have realized that today people suffer from unfathomable identity crisis and they try to compensate for this by becoming hard to deal with. They become obnoxious because they think that this is the only way for them to be noticed. They have failed to realize that stars in the sky don’t struggle to shine or beg to be noticed. They simply do what they were created to be and do, and we admire and appreciate them for that. Even if we fail to acknowledge its shine the star will not dim its radiance, it will shine anyway. Refusing to shine is to deny its very own DNA.
A star is never scared by how dark the night is nor is it perturbed when big clouds gather. Darkness comes and passes, cloud gather and vanish, but a true star will consistently shine. How right were the Christian faithful who sung the song ‘this little light of mine, I am gonna let it shine….” They understood that their lives ought to display the radiance of Gods glory. When Paul wrote to the Philippians he had this in mind. He told them in Philippians 2:14-15   “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe…”

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