Wednesday, June 25, 2014


For those of you wondering whats happening in our beloved country, please rest assured that even in the midst of this darkness God's light will arise, especially for the upright (psalm112:4).

We certainly face great giants that threaten our very livelihood. Like Goliath, a dragon as been breathing fire in defiance against us. But when our wits fail, God steps in with a better answer. He anticipates our challenges and has a ready answer at the most appropriate time. 

For forty days, Goliath spoke with impunity but God had prepared and anointed a shepherd boy for this moment. Indeed professional soldiers and the King failed miserably  but David executed God's mandate perfectly and in record time.

I have a feeling that the political machinery will deliver no solution that this nation needs. The solution lies with you and me, the ordinary folks who have sensed a stirring from above and are willing to confront the giants that face us. The most prominent of the giants being tribalism  and negative ethnicity.
Whereas there are those that have stared this monster in the eyes and have completely lost confidence or have been ensnared by its  lie  'if you cannot beat them join them," and have thus become accomplices with it to make use of its huge size to scare their fellow citizens, there is emerging a different generation that have a different spirit.

By instilling fear and propagating lies the giant has escaped the sword of our fathers. Yes it has continued to intimidate and ravish our nation robbing us the energy and will to face and destroy other giants that attack us.
For this matter I have been on my knees, praying that God will raise a generation that sees differently. A generation that refuses to buy the lie that the giant is too big to confront or can be used to their tribal advantage.
A generation who like David are indignant when they see the plight of its people, living in caves as though they had no homes of their own. A generation that inspires confidence in us to arise and united realize our potential and reach our destiny. A generation that is innovative, willing to abandon that which did not work yesterday for our fathers and forge foward with what they have tested and proven reliable in their day. A generation that attributes victory to God and does not let success get into their head and dishonor their fathers inspite of their shortcomings. A generation of giant killers.
That's the Kenya I am praying for. A nation that will be known for slaying giants. A country where poverty, ignorance, disease, corruption, tribalism and terror lies bleeding, slain by the sword of a people that have caught the vision of where the nation needs to go.
I have picked up my five smooth stones, have you? Get ready, shoot!!
Tribalism falls and so does poverty, ignorance,  disease and corruption

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