Thursday, February 21, 2013

What Makes For Peace- A Conversation with God

God do you have me?
God you can have me…
Yes! you can have all of me
But God I know the elections are around the corner 
My tribe you know is giving a shot at the presidency
my tribeman's is vying for an elective office

You can understand God, I really want to identify with my people, I know this guy doesnt merit my vote, he has no vision for the country, but i will vote him in anyway,
you know he comes from my home area and the pressure from my fellow tribesmen is too much
So understand God. I know you would want me to vote a person of integrity, one who will uphold the rule of law, justice and equity for all, but if i do that this guy might lose...and you know it feels nice to just know that the president comes from my tribe even if he doesnt help me in any way. I still have to trust you to put food on the table for my children, pay fees for my children etc.

the campaigns are getting very hot, emotions are running high, there are those who think I should hate, this neighbor of mine. His children and my children have played together, during my sons birthday they came and celebrated with us, my neighbor is very helpful whenever i have a need. We meet in our children's school and he has great wise ideas.

this is a great person, but its election time you know God. this is the season we retreat to our tribal cacoons... by the way God, do I have to do that? Why do I feel such a strong pull to identify with my tribesman than with you, than with what is right? what is right for me, what is right for my children, what is right for my neighbor, what is right for my country

Oh God do you have me?
You can have me. Yes you have me. I will vote guided by Issues not ethnicity, I will uphold peace, I will love my neighbor as you command

Yes God now I know you have me and when you got me, you got my children, you got my neighbor, you got Kenya

Yes God you got me, you got me, you got me and i got peace, yes shalom peace and Kenya got peace, Kenya got peace, kenya got peace, Kenya got peace........Kenya got peace........Kenya got peace....Kenya got you, the Prince of peace

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