Monday, May 28, 2012

Praying in the Spirit

      Prayer is our relationship with God.  It is our means of conversing with Him. Through prayer we seek to know the mind of God concerning us and those or what we pray for. When we pray we should pray in the spirit.
Praying in the Spirit is not endearing ourselves to God or relentlessly trying to get something from Him, which could be considered begging. Prayer in the spirit is our natural response to who we are—the children of God and therefore by the spirit we call out to God “Abba Father.” The spirit bears witness in our spirit that we are indeed the children of God and if children then heirs—heirs of God and coheirs with Christ. (Rom 8:15-17) This understanding frees us from any form of anxiety or fear so that we may approach God with boldness and assurance.
It is on the basis of this truth that Jesus told us not to keep babbling as pagans do, because they think they will be heard because of their very many words.” Jesus said “don’t be like them for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him (Matt 6:7). So when you pray, Jesus said pray this way, “our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven….”
Since we are already His children we call Him Father and recognize how hallowed His name is. By this name He has the capacity to move what ever needs to be moved in order to meet whatever needs that we have. On the basis of sacredness of His name and our relationship with Him as His children, we have the foundation upon which to build trust. As a father He cannot give us stone when we ask for bread, neither would He give us a serpent when we ask for fish.  He will move on our behalf to make available what we need.
Prayer in the spirit is interested with the extension of His Kingdom. We call upon His kingdom to come into the new realm of our experiences and exploits. We are not renegade sons who are self-serving but true sons who want to exalt their father and see His kingdom continue to expand beyond the current borders. We want to see His will done where we are as it is done in heaven. We tell the circumstances, things, the environment and whatever else to align themselves to be as we have seen in heaven. When we pray like this we are responding to who we are –spiritual—sons of God and heirs of God and of Christ. We are not begging but seeking the allocation of His resources to meet the kingdom needs in the areas he has allocated us as sons to rule and govern on His behalf.
Prayer in the spirit is an internal communication within the kingdom which is based on the understanding that we are part of the kingdom and that the father is the overall king. When we pray we are asking him to meet the needs of the kingdom according to the promises he has made to us and according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). We have responded to his heart and are assured of His provision. 
          So as we pray today, lets take heart, our heavenly Father knows what we need and is more than eager to avail all that you need to empower you to do His will. Nothing should excite us more than extending His kingdom and our passion to see His will done where we are as it’s in heaven. We do not act like aliens neither are we beggars when we come to Him. He know us , he anticipates our needs, He is aware of our coming to  Him and He is the one who has moved us by the spirit to ask those things that we feel so strongly are needed for our welfare and furtherance of His purposes in our areas of jurisdiction. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Called to Shine, to be Different but not Difficult

In the wake of the identity crisis that is ailing this generation its of necessity that God raises special envoys who carry with them a message of hope that will help clarify who we really are and what we have been wired to do. Our true identity is intricately intertwined with our destiny. To know what your destiny is you don’t need to look around, you look within. You don’t draw it into you, you draw it out of you. As you live out who you are, others will then see what you were created to be. You stand out of the crowd because you are unique.  You are a distinct person with distinct personality traits and variant emotional expressions. You stand out and not blend in the crowd. You are an individual.
 As a human being you are different in the human populace, yet you fit perfectly and harmoniously in this jigsaw-puzzle. It pleased God to create you different but not difficult. It is alright to be different but never permissible to be a complicated and difficult person.
I have realized that today people suffer from unfathomable identity crisis and they try to compensate for this by becoming hard to deal with. They become obnoxious because they think that this is the only way for them to be noticed. They have failed to realize that stars in the sky don’t struggle to shine or beg to be noticed. They simply do what they were created to be and do, and we admire and appreciate them for that. Even if we fail to acknowledge its shine the star will not dim its radiance, it will shine anyway. Refusing to shine is to deny its very own DNA.
A star is never scared by how dark the night is nor is it perturbed when big clouds gather. Darkness comes and passes, cloud gather and vanish, but a true star will consistently shine. How right were the Christian faithful who sung the song ‘this little light of mine, I am gonna let it shine….” They understood that their lives ought to display the radiance of Gods glory. When Paul wrote to the Philippians he had this in mind. He told them in Philippians 2:14-15   “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe…”

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We Need to Build Stable Homes for a Stable Society

 This post is an update of an earlier post about the home
Comedian Yakov Smirnoff says that when he first visited the US from Russia he was not prepared for the incredible instant products available in America. He says “on my first shopping trip, I saw pondered milk—you just add water’ and you get milk. Then I saw powdered orange juice—you just add water and you get orange juice. And then I saw baby powder and I thought to myself, what a country!”
To build stable homes for a stable society is not like making instant coffee, juice or milk as the story of Yakov Smirnoff illustrates. It takes intention and effort.
I.            We Should Strive to Build Secure and Stable Homes
You and I may not have perfect homes but the real home is the ideal place for balanced growth. It’s the place where our children grow up, identify their purpose in life, pursue it and prosper. The normal home should be a wellspring of understanding, love, joy, peace and security. Here seeds that determine the future of our children are planted. If there is a rift at home and if it’s not mended it will tend to reflect in our children and risks being passed on to subsequent generations. The way parents relate with each other and their children sets the children up for success or hard work in their lives.
To destabilize any man or woman or child you destabilize his/her home! Yet it is here that we are spending our least time. We are living at a time when staying home to bring up children is looked down upon. We want to be free and bring up children on our own terms. We send eight year olds to boarding schools so we can be free to pursue our careers and when they come home for the holidays we send them upcountry to visit with their grand parents. We are increasingly spending very little time with our children.  No wonder our society is beleaguered by many anti-peace/social behaviors.
Two years ago Ted walked into our church compound and was brought to my office. A foul smell emanated from him. It was obvious he had not taken a bath for several days. I thought he was a street boy. He told me he had been chased away from home by his mother. I tried to inquire why, he said he had problems with drugs and would steal money from the mother’s chemist shop. Later the mother told me she had spent close to a million shillings trying to rehabilitate him but nothing had worked and she had given up. I learned the parents were divorced and that they had send him to a boarding school when he was in class five. He would refuse to go to school then but they forced him anyway and its then as a class 5 pupil he began taking marijuana.
Bringing up our children is not the responsibility of the school but ours. There is no substitute to our contribution in their well being.
Determine from today in spite of the great demands and stresses of post-modern living that you would strive to give your children quality time and build a secure and stable home for them. We need to build stable homes for a stable society.
II.            The Parents Positive Participation is a prerequisite  to a stable  home
As the saying goes, charity begins at home. It’s in the context of a home, where the right moral values and character can be forged. The home provides the atmosphere to see in action how life is lived. Ralph T. Mattson Says, “our children couldn’t initially select us as parents in the way that a company can select its leaders. However our leadership should be so strongly for our children that they will emotionally select us as parents for the reminder of our lives. That’s the most valuable leadership there’s.”  Pablo Casals reiterates; “every child must believe that he is a miracle that since the beginning of the world there hasn’t been and until the end of the world there will not be another child like him.” Parents are the pace setters and are the white/black board from where children learn the lessons of life. What they see on that board stick and is hard to erase.  What is written there it’s what they well take and adopt to form their concept of truth, right and wrong. Dr. Seamands has said “children are good imitators but poor interpreters”
          Statistics indicate that one in every three high school student in Kenya is depressed, and they see suicide or drugs as a way out of the problem. The irony is neither their teachers nor their parents are aware of their condition. Africa Mental Health Foundation who conducted the research says the reason behind this high-level depression is associated with the home.[1] Again Daudi Mwenda says, “80 per cent of the inmates at the Industrial Area Prison and Remand Homes are children from single parents…”
 He continues to say: Children from families with no father figure are more likely to abandon school, do drugs, engage in illicit sex and fall pregnant. They are also more susceptible to homosexuality and other negative vices.” Unless man wake up (and women too), mend our ways and performs our true roles, we shall continue to subject our children to a precarious and dangerous existence. “Little wonder that the modern day "Sonkos" are today’s role models. Kenya could be headed towards a reckless, ‘gangster-style’ community. [2]
Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 in Austria-Hungry to Alois and Klara. Of their six children, only Hitler and his younger sister, Paula could survive into adulthood. His father Alois, a custom official by profession, was tremendously violent to his wife and son, and used to beat them often. According to Hitler’s book, “he had a terrible childhood”. The regular whipping and violence committed by his father made him extremely sympathetic to his mother, while having an unfathomable bitterness towards his father. In spite of his father’s constant pressure to pursue a career like his, Hitler dropped out of high school without a diploma, as a revolt against his father. Even after his father’s death on 3 January 1903, he did not show any liking for studies and rather tried to be a painter. He lost his father when he was 14 and his mother when he was 18. What he did later on in life is known to us all.
I don’t know how Hitler would have turned out if his parents didn’t die early in his life and if his father was a little more loving.
 As parents regardless of what happens to us we must strive to positively influence our children through the quality of life we live. It’s the example we set that matters.
Parent’s positive participation is a prerequisite to a stable home. We need to build stable homes for a stable society.
As parents we are the key determining factors on how our children will turn out. We are the white/black board from where children learn the lessons of life. What they see on that board sticks and is difficult to erase.  What they see in you, that they will take to inform their decisions in life.
My uncle is an amazing man, he was a pastor. I have always admired his ingenuity and commitment to motivate. When we were growing up he called me mtaalam (an expert) and her daughter who was my age-mate he called Isumbi (queen). Though he did not go to the regular schools he learnt to read and write in a Missionary theological college that taught in our mother tongue. His interaction with the missionaries taught him a few things on how formal offices operate. At home he would make up stories about his daughter and narrate them to us all. He would say, “When my daughter grows up she will become an accountant. I would then visit her office and find the secretary, who would pick up the phone and call, saying, “Accountant, your father is here.” 
With these stories, he charted the course that her daughter would take later in life. He built her confidence to face life. Although the daughter did not grow up to become an accountant, today she is a high school principal and a teacher of chemistry and mathematics.
We need to build stable homes for a stable society.

[1] Africa Mental Health Foundation Nation Newspaper, 2009
[2] Daudi Mwenda, http// Published on 12/10/2010)


            Never in the History of the universe have men and women become so educated, so civilized, so prosperous yet so powerless. Men have conquered Mount Everest, overcome gravity, send one of their very own to the moon and back and are exploring possibility of living in another planet but at the same time they are overcome by their own addictions and appetites.
This is the era of complexes. When men give excuses for almost all their wayward lifestyles. Instead of summoning God's power to overcome these lifestyles of sin they are now excusing them and have begun making laws to protect those caught up in it, to defend their rights they say. What made people cringe in discomfort a few years ago is now readily acceptable and welcome.
Describing the spiritual needs of our culture this man quoted by my spiritual formation lecturer said;
‘The paradox of our time is that we have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too much. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years. These are days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of throw-away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies, & pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It’s a time when the lights are on, but no one’s at home.’
Unfortunately Christians are also being caught in this web
‘I’ve been a Christian and attended church for many years. But I have no idea what it means to have relationship with Jesus. God is someone I pray to at night between the sheets when I’m in trouble’
‘My mind is full & my hands are busy, but my heart is empty & emotionally distant from God. Life moves so fast God has become a blur’
And I can hear you say oh Pastor Power belongs to God and according to David that is true as he says in Psalm 62:11   “God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God.”

Yes power indeed belongs to God but He doesn’t wield it for His own sake. He does so for the sake of you and me.

Power for Salvation
Salvation comes through the gospel. Salvation cannot take place where the gospel is not preached. According to Rom 10:17 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. As Paul asserts the gospel …is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes… (Romans 1:16)  Though the gospel is despised as foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:18) by the world, those who believe know that this message is the secret behind our godliness (Titus 2:11). That means we should never be satisfied or be comfortable in our initial experience in salvation but should strive to know Jesus more and be fruitful so that God’s power may be made evident in our lives. Having the mindset of Paul who said in Philippians 3:10   “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” so that we “…may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy (Colossians 1:10-11).
Our assurance in salvation hinges on the power of God to keep us. We are saved and kept saved by the power of God (1 Peter 1:5). We don’t save ourselves or else we would worry on how to keep ourselves in the faith. Only God saves and only God can keep and sustain our spiritual life. So we quit walking in fear and doubt and instead take up our position of authority in Christ. If the enemy begins to attack our confidence we do not point Him to ourselves but to God who saved us. If the Lord has really found us worthy of salvation, who are we or who is the devil to try to discredit that? When we have this kind of mentality we will also triumph against sin and any other sinful lifestyle because our dependence is not on our human efforts but of God who truly saves and changes people. In God We have everything we need for this life and godliness as Peter boldly declares in 2 Peter 1:3  “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue”
This statement cancels any excuse we may try to make for living contrary to God’s standard. Paul say “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-- his eternal power and divine nature-- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)
Any one that comes to Christ must be reminded that God’s power is sufficient to change us. This is the fact that Paul communicates to the Corinthian church that was displaying a lifestyle that seemed to deny the power of the gospel. He said with finality “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17) Yes we don’t have to live under the power of sin or be controlled by addictions and appetites. In Christ there is enough power to change us. Try it out and you will see.