Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Power of a Follower

Leadership dynamics have gone through various shifts, one of which is a shift from leadership being focused on the leader but to the followers. Through this lens of leadership, followers are seen not as idle wheels that just follow the steering of their leader, but as great contributors to good or bad leadership. A case of bad leadership then is a reflection of the followers’ failure to influence their leaders positively because it’s through their permission that these leaders act or lead.

Why then do we as followers permit what is not good? It’s either because we like it that way or we are completely ignorant of our responsibilities as followers. If it’s true that we like it that way then we are indeed doomed, we cannot be helped. If it’s a matter of ignorance then we need to know and begin to engage our leadership to demand better and accountable leaders. That way we certainly provide an antidote to toxic or dysfunctional leadership and help quell the uncontrolled and sinister ambitions of toxic leaders.

As we prepare to vote in new leaders in the coming year, we need to note those that divide us along ethnic lines and who create distrust and hostility among us. We must shun them or withdraw their power to act. We definitely don't need such leaders. What we need are leaders who serve the nation with determination, who have a compelling vision that every Kenyan wants to identify with and as their followers if they deviate from it we not only notice but demand that they go back to the original blueprint agreed upon at the beginning of their terms and they humbly consent.

Monday, September 3, 2012

God, Do You Really Have Me?

God you can have me…
Yes! you can have me but don’t ask me to change my behavior,
You can have me but you will have no input in my decision making process,
You can have me but not my money,
You can have me but please don’t interfere with how I do business,
The company I keep is none of your business too,
How I talk should least concern you, what I eat or drink is at my pleasure,
Even if my thinking stinks please do excuse me…..
For though I proclaim Christ as Lord, I am the master of my own life,
I try harder, I manipulate, I am in charge.

God, do you really have me????

1This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2“Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” 3So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
5Then the word of the Lord came to me: 6“O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?” declares the Lord.

 It’s like we have mastered what I would call relational survival mechanism that outlines areas in which God is allowed to meddle and have set boundaries for our relationship with Him. Such a survival mechanism has become a hindrance in our spiritual development and does not allow God to work in us so that we experience the full joy of salvation. 

This lack of surrender breeds uncommitted and immature believers, Christians whose impact cannot be felt, who call Jesus Lord but in actual sense they are the masters of their own life.

We like clay in the hands of the potter should surrender to God and allow Him to have us, shape us and make out us the vessel He wants us to be.

Does God really have you?